Why Redundancy Explodes My Brain

created, like, December 1st i think.

Today, in fact, right before I began writing this, I was given an article about the states of matter to read for my Chemistry class. I am not sure of the author or source of this article (I will look it up later, and hopefully add a source/author if I do find it). It is pretty straightforward and I think a pretty good explanation of the states of matter, which given as that was it has set out to do I think it generally succeeded. This article is written in a way that very much puts an emphasis on the beauty of The Universe and appreciating the rules that define the matter that makes up everything. This is a sentiment i resonate with greatly (I love the earth and the world. It's all so beautiful. Maybe I will write something about the beauty of the world at some point), and it is brought up again in the conclusion. It is definitely brought up in the conclusion.

here is a snippet from the conclusion section of the article regarding states of matter that i have just now read:

The study of the four states of matter - solids, liquids, gases, and plasma - opens up a world of wonder and understanding. Each state exhibits distinct properties and behaviors, providing insights into the diverse nature of the universe.
The exploration of the four states of matter - solids, liquids, gases, and plasma - unveils a vast and captivating realm of scientific knowledge. Each state possesses its own set of unique properties, behaviors, and applications, offering a rich tapestry of understanding about the diverse nature of the universe we inhabit.

doesn't this seem weird? It makes me feel like I'm going crazy. These paragraphs are right next to eachother, and yet they are nearly identical. As someone with severe memory and attention span issues, stuff like this just explodes my brain and makes me have to reread a section even more than I already tend to do (which, if you're wondering, is a lot).

It confuses and disorients me because I feel like I'm reading the same thing over and over and I am not sure if I'm doing something wrong reading it (such as going back to the same line over and over when trying to go to the next line, which happens sometimes when I read things. It actually happened just around 20 or so minutes ago when reading a paragraph in a textbook. I hate being stuck in loops!) or if there is a misprint of some kind accidentally putting the same exact words twice.

I get that repeating yourself can be good sometimes, especially considering this is a conclusion, and those are kinda inherently meant to be just restating everything you already talked about in the rest of the writing, but paraphrasing like you're a school essay trying to avoid plagiarism... two sentences after the thing you're paraphrasing, that is just unnecessary.

I feel as though it also diminishes the meaningfulness of the point that is being made, which might seem a bit confusing considering repitition is often used to emphasize the importance of something, but oh boy this is a run on sentence. It makes the emphasis seem forced, which in turn makes it seem as though the point isn't good enough on its own and needs to be artificially reinforced by a clone of itself. Which makes me a bit sad since this often isn't truly the case and while each section stands strong on their own and could be used wonderfully in different texts, it just causes a whole bunch of commotion which just eats away at the impact. But that's just my thoughts.