Life is nothing but an endless stream of sorrow and pointlessness... If you came here you probably came from my friend SP... He's really kind... we are great friends... He's much nicer to be around than me... so go back while you still can..

Well... I'm emo... I'm not a very interesting person... I like the rain... music... horses... skulls... blue... and... um... BL/yaoi...

I live with my older sister and shes too kind to me... she never gives up on me... even when she really should... I'm basically kinda hopeless at this point...

Gary has been telling me I should get into cards... and my sister has too... especially since our dad had a few decks... I've really been meaning to... but I just haven't gotten around to it... I'm a bad friend... and a bad sister... and everyone's so nice to me... oh well... I don't deserve it... but thank you all anyways...